Sunday, September 25, 2011

During the NFL season I say fuck Wisconsin

Dear President Obama;

Since Wisconsin turned full on red state in the midterms and is suing to have your healthcare planned repealed; can we pretty please NUKE THEM OFF THE FACE OF THE FUCKING PLANET!!! It will help you with your image as a pussy (yeah dude, you kind of come off as a pussy right now) and you'd definitely win Michigan & Minnesota for destroying the home of the Packers and all those super-lactose laden fucktards that live there. You'd also save the MLB because you'd stop the Brewers from boring the shit out of America in the World Series and you'd likely kill Bud Selig too! All-in-all it's a win-win scenaio. I guarantee no republican will give you shit after that! Thanks for your time, God bless America!

A fellow Bears fan.

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