Saturday, September 10, 2011

Dress For Success - Jon David

It's been happening all around the country for several years now: Public schools mandating a dress code. In my hometown it's happening now. Public school students must wear Navy Blue with Khaki pants.

The program is called Dress for Success. The principal at my son's school addressed a gym full of parents with what she sees as the program's strong point:

 "When children get off the bus, you can't tell who is white, black, Asian, or green. They are all equal now."

Let that sink in for a second. I'm bothered, on two accounts, by her statement. It implies that before the dress code, students were not seen as equal because she saw all these black kids, white kids, the one asian in the whole school, differently.. I guess, in her defense that one Asian kid does stick out.

She also threw in a color no human has ever been unless they were shot in the leg in the Civil War. There isn't any green people. Stop throwing in erroneous colors when you mention races. And If there was green kid he would look retarded in a Navy Blue shirt. I would hope my son or daughter never bring home a green boyfriend or girlfriend. Not in my house! Because they are probably highly acidic or radio-active and I don't need that shit.

The uniforms might help kids perform and get along better in school, I don't really know. People seem to think it does in the other areas of the country where it has already been instituted. I imagine kids will still find ways to group themselves into exclusive cliques and make fun of each other because no matter how "equal" the kids look to the principal every kid talks, walks, learns and behaves differently and have different interests. Some kid is gonna fart in the lunch line, some kid is gonna piss there pants on the playground, and some poor bastard is going to get a boner in front of a group a girls while some little bitch throws a tennis ball at it yelling, "Wiener monster"...Those things some people...Fuck you Kate!

Making kids wear Navy Blue and Khaki and calling it dress for success? Every environment full of successful people is littered with Nave Blue and Khaki. But lets cut the shit, these kids are from Indiana, We all know what the schools are preparing them for.


  1. Jon, Not all of them will work at Walmart.... I'm sure the Valedictorian will be able to get a job at Best Buy.


  2. Lmao I was looking at the ads at the top and it 20% off uniforms! Tell me you did that on purpose.
